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Inka Tuomarila


I think that every person is like a flower. Made to bloom and to be seen in all it’s beauty. Each flower is different and created to be special and unique. God has made me perceptive and sensitive, so I want to reflect the good things in others and to help them flourish. I like to encourage others, help them to see their true value, and to walk by their side with love and honor.


My work is to lead the ministry of Life with the Lamb. During the past years I have been writing and illustrating stories and creating our product collections with the Father. I hope I can be a channel for God’s love to flow forward through my designs and texts. I feel joy in my heart when I create. The same joy is present, when I give the products to people and I see that love touches them. I love to see people happy, and cherishing life in the way that God meant for them.


Children are dear to me. Through products and stories, my aim is to help children to get in touch with the goodness and love of the heavenly Father. The stories tell about life, about growing, and also about the painful moments and disappointments that are a part of life. They often have a blessing hidden in them and they bring us closer to God, to find Him who cares. I want to give to children something that nourishes them and is valuable for their whole life. It’s all about a relationship with Jesus and He is the best friend we need. Through playing, activities, and listening to stories, children around the world can learn to know Him. 


I enjoy beautiful and simple things in life. I like to: listen to music, to sing and play guitar and write songs, to make flower bouquets, to bake, to paint and do creative proje. Life with the Lamb is an interesting and colourful journey with the best friend, Jesus. We can all practice and be disciples of Jesus, from beginning to the end. Everyone is dear, important, and special to the Lamb.



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